Sunday, October 9, 2011

EAT Bella, E-A-T !!!!

Whew! What a week!
Logan's birthday party, getting back into a routine that includes work, a crazy household and a newborn!

Isabella has been doing very well up until a couple days ago. She was getting real sleepy and not wanting to eat. I thought maybe it was a growth spurt, she even slept thru the nite! YAY.
Come to find out, that was not good news! She had a nurse check last week and she hardly gained any weight in the past 2 weeks =( and with the news of the left side being slightly enlarged at the last echo, she was put on another medicine to try and make her heart rate slow down... thus allowing her to breath slower (she was breathing a little too fast last week) thus allowing her to eat better and gain weight. It takes a lot out of her to eat. Hopefully, it works. Had a few problems w/ keeping some of the meds down but we are woking on it. I am hoping her lil body continues to hold out as long as possible until we absolutely need the 1st surgery. For many reasons, most importantly being she will be bigger and older. I just need to fatten her up =) Anyone ever put lard in a baby bottle?!?  (Kidding, of course) but she needs to be as chunky as she can be.
I am still amazed at how strong she is already, and what a great baby she is. She will let you know if shes upset thats for sure, but generally speaking she is a good girl.
She just found her hands a day or two ago.... and they must taste pretty good!! Will see the cardiologist soon.... eat Bella...EAT!!!

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