Monday, August 29, 2011

I am so in love!

Cant believe little Isabella is 2 weeks old today! She is such a sweetheart!
Lots of DR appts this week, but I think shes doing very well!

We are also participating in the American Heart Association "Heart Walk" on Sat. Oct 1st in Bartow if anyone wants to come walk with us! We are walking in support of Miss Isabella and other children born with a congenital heart defect. Thanks!!

Again, thanks so much for all the prayers. She is definately a loved little girl.... and we are so thankful & blessed.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Home where you belong!!

Isabella came home Thursday afternoon. She is donig well so far.... trying to fatten her up & Im not sure if its working!? Lots of DR appts coming up here soon. Having a new baby is hard enough, then add a stressed, emotional, worry wart mommy and WHEW I am exhausted. Thanks SO much to all the people who have said a little prayer for Bella's special heart. We are so thankful..... and we appreciate the thoughts and kind words. I know its going to be rough during the 1st surgery, but your thoughts and prayers are helpful and much appreciated.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Nurse just called..... Isabella may be able to come home THURSDAY!!! Yay! Come on sweetpea.... eat lots!! Yay!!

Prayers go up, Blessings Come Down!! Come on Bella you can do it!!

Had a great day with my lil gal!! She was so smiley today... and just too cute for words!
Her biliruben levels have been creeping up, and they did go up a little more this morning- but they dont seem concerned. I thought about trying to sneak her out of her room, so we can go outside and get some sunshine but I think they would have noticed when I tried to get out the door and she wasn't hooked to her monitors =p  HA!
She has lost a little weight, so hopefully tonight she eats like its going out of style. Praying for good eats and good poops! (You know you're a mom when you pray for poopies!)
Talked to the Cardiologist on the floor, and he said he is very surprised at how well she is doing!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY BELLA!!!!!
He said he doesnt think she will need to have the band surgery right away- or at all depending.
We will still need surgery around 4-6 mo.... but we "may" be able to skip this band procedure. Yay ...yay and YAY!!!
She is still under observation and will be for a few more days (I am guessing another week) BUT IF all goes WELL.... we may be taking her HOME, soon!! I am SO proud of her and SO excited! B.U.T I only want her to come home when the DR's are ready. So, we will wait patiently!
Thank you GOD for your blessings.... and THANK YOU to everyone who has said a little prayer for Miss Isabella. It means so much to us and we know God is getting a lot of messages about Isabella... so we know he's listening!!! AMEN!!! 
"Prayers go up and blessings come down"

 Yiddish Proverb quotes



Monday, August 22, 2011

Go Bella GO!!

Went to visit Bella today.... she was moved from the CVICU to the PICU because there was a more critical patient that needed her room. That a plus for now!! yay Bella!

She is eating (and pooping on mommy) Like a CHAMP! So proud of her. I just love to sit and hold her. Her smell, her eyes, her perfect little face makes me so happy to be a mommy to her. She has my heart (and daddy's) for sure.
Hopefully, Logan will be able to visit with her some this weekend. I hear we have a hurricane coming? I have no idea. I have barely stopped long enough to eat -- let alone check the news.

She has been off the bili lights for a couple days, and unfortunately her levels have crept up again. She doesn't look jaundiced to me... but the blood work shows different. Hoping we will get that all worked out.
I am waiting to hear back from the nurse to see how her respiratory rate has been this evening, for us it seemed good.
But, she goes in spells. I know they were going to do another ECHO to see if the ductus has closed, and Im not sure if that was done this evening either. They have said many times, its going to be up to her to see if she can manage the "blood flow" to and from her lungs/heart on her own-- so we are still just waiting to see.

As much as it hurts to have her away from home (I still smell her baby smell on my arm, and its wonderful!) I know she is in very good hands. As some lady in the elevator said "The most expensive babysitter you will ever use!" LOL.
Cant wait to take her home, but for now Im still praying for her heart and visiting her everyday for our snuggle time. I love being a mommy.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mommy is Home

What a whirlwind of emotions!!

I am an emotional person anyways, but add baby hormones, the CVICU and not being able to help your child and I am a hot MESS!!

We left Isabella this morning at the ICU, and even though I know she is in good hands... I still get upset. The whole way home I cried at least 10 times LOL. Ahh...

She is doing better. Her color looks perfect, she is off the bili lights, and eating like a CHAMP! They tell me a lot of times, heart babies don't have much of an appetite-- and I am glad she does :)
After a roller coaster of a week, She is off her IV Fluids, and has a little bit of oxygen still. Her breathing is still sporadic and they are waiting to see when the ductus in the heart closes. After it closes, they will watch her and decide what to do next. IF she can manage the rhythm/blood flow on her own they will not need to put a band around her artery. If NOT, then they will. This is one of the 3 open heart surgeries she may need.
We know she will need the other 2, but just unsure about the 1st.

I can say being the mommy of a heart baby is very scary so far.... and Ive only been thru a fraction of what other heart moms have been thru! I hope to find strength in their stories.

Thanks for all the prayers for my sweet girl. She is definitely loved.... and we are very, very thankful. Cannot WAIT until she comes home. Thank you God for a beautiful baby girl.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i am a tough girl!

Update this morning.... she did good thru the night. Still on the biliruben blanket for a slight case of jaundice. She did get taken off the meds we needed her off of last night, so hopefully she is OK to start eating here shortly. This is so hard making my body get up and walking there to see her. I'm forcing myself because I don't want o miss one minute..... but its so hard when u can barely walk =(  I also think this is all getting to me. Why do crackheads and people who don't want kids have perfectly healthy babies and people like Justin and I who are loving, supportive parents and always put our son first....have a sick baby? I know it could be worse...... and overall given the circumstances right this moment she is doing good.... its just not fair, Or maybe I'm just having a "moment". Praying her o2test comes back OK and she can start eating. Poor thing. I am amazed at her strength though :-)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

24 hrs old

Bella is snoozing away in her special little bed. she is now under a bili blanket for jaundice and they are giving her an antibiotic because her wht blood cell count was elevated. poor little gal has so many holes poked in her :(   i got to hold her again today  YAY    and she was trying and wanting to eat and i felt bad because i couldnt feed her, yet. they have her iv nutrition right now... so we are hoping she gets to feed tomorow. poor lil thing. everyone here has been super nice,,,,,and i cannot WAIT  to take her home whwew she belongs. i appreciate what everyone is doing for her in the "NICU Hilton"@ / lol... but i want her to come home!  She is stable..... and for right now i am doing good =)

Monday, August 15, 2011

We arrived this morning right at 5:15. Justin rushed me out of the hotel---he was afràid we were going to be late. Walked i. And said "we are here to have a baby!"  That felt kinda weird but hey. I stressed all day yesterday, had at least 5 nervous breakdowns :-)  and i was ready to get this show on the road. Get in triage, settled in and answered 5000 quextions. Dr. Comes in and cracks a few jokes. Then off to surgery. Def. Have to say this c/s went much better than the last one. Little scary and felt like i couldnt breath...but we made it! Update on lil Bella:   she is in the cardiac icu right now kinda sad she can't be in our room....but it the best for her to be there. They have done numerous tests/echo's etc and they still says she's got double inlet left ventricle aka Holmes heart. Here color is very good and she is cooperting nicely. I got to finally hold her about 4pm. She is so beautiful. The cardio team will continue to watch her for a week or two and decide if we need the first surgery right away or not. She is so strong, and has a lot of ppl praying for her.... so thanks to everyone's prayers, thought and kind. Words. We love you all.
Just an update..... Isabella grace born 8-15-2011 at 7:55am. Weighing 7lbs 11oz & is beautiful!  Going thru all the tests right now.... update coming soon. Thx for all the prayers. Loving bayfront baby place and all children's hospital...we are in good hands. Mom is doing good.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday is the BIG DAY!!
Miss Isabella Grace will make her grand entrance on Monday 8/15 as long as she stays comfy this weekend!!
Justin, Logan and I are SO excited to meet her.... and cannot wait to hold her. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family of 3.... almost 4 !!

I cannot believe Justin and I have been married for almost 11 years and we are still just as happy as day one. I would not be able to go thru this without him, so I love you Justin!!!! (and Logan!) You both are my world. Thank you for always being YOU and being there for ME/US!
We will be updating the blog as much as we can ... so feel free to "follow" it if you would like. Being in the NICU and all the machines, I am sure we will have limited access to our phone(s). Thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers.
-Excited and Anxious!