Monday, August 15, 2011

We arrived this morning right at 5:15. Justin rushed me out of the hotel---he was afràid we were going to be late. Walked i. And said "we are here to have a baby!"  That felt kinda weird but hey. I stressed all day yesterday, had at least 5 nervous breakdowns :-)  and i was ready to get this show on the road. Get in triage, settled in and answered 5000 quextions. Dr. Comes in and cracks a few jokes. Then off to surgery. Def. Have to say this c/s went much better than the last one. Little scary and felt like i couldnt breath...but we made it! Update on lil Bella:   she is in the cardiac icu right now kinda sad she can't be in our room....but it the best for her to be there. They have done numerous tests/echo's etc and they still says she's got double inlet left ventricle aka Holmes heart. Here color is very good and she is cooperting nicely. I got to finally hold her about 4pm. She is so beautiful. The cardio team will continue to watch her for a week or two and decide if we need the first surgery right away or not. She is so strong, and has a lot of ppl praying for her.... so thanks to everyone's prayers, thought and kind. Words. We love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Lissa,
    If she is only half as strong willed as her mom I am certain she will be fine and do great! She is such a beautiful baby just like her mom. Keep us updated as often as you can I have been following your blog since day 1 and am sending thoughts and prayers your way! Love you cuz.

